I wanted to share the story, since some people have been asking and I haven't had the time.
The trip:
I had seen in 2008/2009 that they were going to build a Wizarding World of Harry Potter at
Universal Studios in Florida. Since I saw that news release, I had wanted to go. No joke. I wanted to see it with my own eyes! So I signed up for alerts and news breaks about it.
Fast forward to early 2009 - I had gotten an email from Universal offering me a great deal on a HP Wizarding World package; complete with commemorative tickets, a breakfast at the Three Broomsticks, early entrance, and much more. So after sitting down and trying to find a date, Brett and I picked October 19-24th! Hooray! (Time to start saving asap though)!
We arrived in Orlando late on the 19th and stayed in a cheap hotel that night just to catch up on sleep. The 20th was our first full day in Florida - and we really didn't have anything to do but check into our hotel. So we arrived at Universal Studios, checked our bags, and headed out to check out the sites. Since we didn't have park passes for that day, we spent our time browsing the shops at CityWalk, looking for sunglasses, laying out by the pool, and seeing what the other on-site hotels were like. It was a GREAT day overall. We made reservations at Emeril's Tchoup Chop Restaurant for dinner that evening. That dinner was pretty much THE BEST meal I had ever had in my life! Here's what I got: Mongolian Barbeque Grilled Pork Tenderloin Caramelized Sweet Onion-Orange Confit, Stir Fried Lomein Noodles I know right? Sounds delicious! Anywhoo - I wanted to be "European" and take a few hours to sit, relax and enjoy our meal. So after two+ hours, and a delicious orange cake dessert, we finally got up to leave. It was pretty late at this time and I was so full of food that I was just ready to hit the pillows. Brett had other ideas.
The proposal:
Brett: "Hey, lets go sit over here." There was this small beach/secluded area outside the resort area, surrounded by palm trees and plants.
Me: "That's silly. Why would I go over there? It's dark. I'm tired. Let's just go inside."
Brett: "No, I just want to sit for a minute."
Me: "Ugh... really?" Thinking I really just want to get to bed as we have to get up at the crack of dawn to get into
the parks early.
Brett: "Yes really. Please, just for a minute or two. It's really pretty."
Me: "Fineeeee."

So we go to sit down in this area and since we have nothing to do I decide to take some photos. They turned out a little dark, but you can at least see where we are. I look over at Brett and he has his serious face on. "Oh no. What's wrong?" I think (and say). This is how it goes....
"Remember when I went to Columbus a few months ago? I wasn't buying a game, I was visiting your parents. And remember when we were in Kentucky? I didn't go to Lowe's with my Dad, I went to a jewelry store." By now I'm starting to get the "subtle" hints he's dropping, and start kind of freaking out a bit. He gets up, comes around to my right side, gets down on one knee. I interrupt "Is this really happening??" He smiles, says a bunch of really great things (that I sort of blacked out for) and then pops the question, "Will you marry me?"

After a few seconds of realizing this was real, I squeek out "YES!" through a flood of tears.
We hug and it seals the deal. Of course, I cannot stop crying. Well balling is more like it. So much happiness just cannot be contained :)
So October 20, 2010 I got engaged. This was my story and I love it.
Our wedding date is set for May 2012. Lots of time to plan and get things ready! Happy times ahead and I cannot wait!