Gross, right?
Well I needed something to get your attention.
What does "innovation constipation" even mean? It means that while there is innovation, great ideas, fresh thoughts, earth shattering, groundbreaking, fly-me-to-the-moon discussions, somewhere along the line, they get stuck. Hence constipation. It may be yourself, tossing a great idea on the back burner. It may be your boss telling you that it's not in the budget. It may even be a friend or co-worker saying your innovation isn't worth spending time on.
It's time to take that laxative.
Now, while ideas and innovation for ideas and innovations sake is not really where I'm going, my point is that even though your ideas get stopped, stepped on, thrown around, regurgitated, and spit out, it doesn't mean that it was a bad idea. If your idea is solving a problem, simplifying a process, helping out the company or consumer, then you are on the right track. For every 100 ideas, there is usually 1 that is that magic solution. Keep offering your help, and I believe that some ideas will actually end up getting on a testing board. If you think it's worthy of implementation, talk about it! Share it. You might not be able to implement it, but I be there is someone out there who can!
As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. It took it about 500 years from it's founding to become a powerful city.
And while your idea, innovation, solution shouldn't take 500 years to develop, keep refining it and molding it so one day it can be implemented and help out those you intended. I have hope that while we continue to have ideas, that if you keep talking about them, revisiting them, and reworking them, that someday you can take it, and implement it. So never stop innovating. Your next idea might just change the world.
Summary: Innovation is good. Take the proverbial laxative. Don't give up. Stay positive. Change the world.
Editors note: I like to look at the world through rose colored glasses, so please, join me. If you have an idea you feel should be implemented, go for it! I am all for the implementation, and believe we need more of it. Keep the brain waves a-flowin'!