Monday, July 27, 2009

Name the Character... If You Have a Good Memory

Alright - today I'm wondering if anyone else feels this way... really really bad at remembering things.

My friend is in charge of (check it out all you movie buffs) and each day he posts a movie quote for people to guess the character who said it. I love this idea and he even tracks everyone's answers (with their nicknames of course) and posts it for all to see who is in the lead.

The downside of this is if you are like me and can't remember lines from anything except Harry Potter :)

I love movies, and I love watching them, but for some reason single lines don't tend to stick in my head. I try to remember them, and some really famous ones I obviously won't forget, but it's the little ones that get me. I am more of a visual memory person than a verbal one. I could remember a face, but not their name.

This problem also hinders me in triva games like Jeopardy! as I love playing it when it's the Kids Show. I feel smart then, only to realize I'm basing my smarts against a 12 year old. But they are all genius kids, so I don't feel too too bad. When I play the grown up version, well I know somethings if I get the right category, but mostly I just feel dumb. I don't have time to remember millions of facts about Ancient Greece or every line of Poe. Nor would I want to. If I don't know about something I usually will look it up and do a bit of research on it so I'll better be able to contribute in everyday conversations.

So knowing loads of tidbits isn't really my forte, and props to those of you who are very good at this. I wish I could, but in the overall scheme of things, I like where I'm at, the knowledge I have, and the capacity to continue learning my whole life. Sure I may not know who conquered some country in 1567, but I do know that I have the ability to learn and discuss it if it came up. That's what really matters.

Ok - short post, but I just needed to say that as I feel bad only having a few points on the Name the Character game!

1 comment:

  1. Harry there's a movie that I haven't pulled a quote from yet...

    But seriously, I'm going to keep experimenting with more trivia ideas, so on certain days of the week (Thursdays and maybe one other day) I'll have questions that aren't movie related, but more fact-oriented. So make sure to check the site on those days!
