Thursday, May 21, 2009

Naming a Kid? Try nameing a BLOG!

You know, I've had Xanga, LiveJournal, and Facebook, but never an "official" blog. It's that time now!

So picking a name for my blog became the hardest part of this whole experience. I know I have random stuff I can write about, as my life is totally interesting.... right... but a name to sum up everything I will be talking about? Harder than you think. I was amazed at how hard this task really became. I used name generators for inspiration, looked all around my cube for random words I could put together, and came up with squat. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to blog at all since you can't blog without a good blog name!

In a last effort I posed this question on my G-Chat Status: "I need a name for my blog. Suggestions welcome." and within 5 minutes I had several responses from my friends. YES! What great friends - who instead of actually working at work decide to hang out on G-Chat all day and answer my status questions. Yes. Great friends indeed. :)

A few of the failed names include:
  • Monka Bang!
  • Random Encounters with my Brain
  • Monica Bean
  • Rhythm in my Shoes
  • The Boring Blog
  • And more...
Then, finally, with divine inspiration, my friend Joe or Chinchilla, (see left), came up with the genius name I now call blog home -- Moni-logue. Now for all of you slow thinkers out there, it's a play on the words Monologue, as the long speeches given by a single person in a play, much like what this blog will be to all of you - the theatrical view of my life.

So thank you Joe for naming my blog - as I take no credit in coming up with it. You rock. Now go roll in some dirt.

**EDIT** I was told Chincilla's roll in dust not dirt. Sorry about that Mr. Joe.


  1. Your dirt comment is offensive to Joe. It's dust that he rolls in. And his picture is adorable.

  2. I added the edit just for you Brett.

  3. Ha! Moni-Logue! I love it! That is one smart chinchilla.
