Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Spirit - Where is it?

So last night when I was at the local Meijer picking up some things for my apartment, I had a rare moment. It shouldn't be rare though. And it frustrates me that maybe I'm too naive.. but I still think that people are inherently good.

The Story:

Meijer is packed as it's only 3 days till Christmas. I'm buzzing around the store, trying to shorten my time spent in the store. I get to the check out line, and the lady in front of me puts down her stuff, and I"m waiting for a divider. She says "go ahead and put your things down, I'll let him know to stop." So I do so, saying thanks, and begin to unload. I eventually get the divider and am waiting for her to finish paying. As the clerk begins to check out my items, the woman grabs her bags and races off to the exit as most people are doing. I noticed she's left her purse though! I yell for her "ma'm! ma'm! excuse me! you forgot your purse!!" Luckily she heard me and came running back, out of breath, and a bit frazzled she had forgotten such an important item. She comes up to me and is overly thankful, saying that was really nice of me and she can't believe I told her! She is still breathing a bit hard from the running and panic, and is still jabbering her thanks to me, all while I'm telling her - "Don't worry about it. You've got it back, I just did what I hoped someone else would do for me." She said her checkbook was in there, wallet, photos of her grandkids, etc. Basically her lifeline. I'm glad I helped out that old woman at Meijer and as she was leaving she yelled back to me "Merry Christmas!!"

Now if that's not some Christmas spirit I don't know what is. I'm so happy for the woman, and she touched me just by wishing me a Merry Christmas in the most honest way. I could tell she really meant it and it warmed my heart.

The only part that bothers me is that she was so surprised that I let her know she left it. Really? Is our society so bad that if you leave your purse, you assume someone is going to steal it? That's horrible and it makes me sad. I really don't know why we only have the "christmas spirit" around Christmas time. Yes, I know it's tied down by it's name. But why can't we spread a positive, happy feeling around all the time? Why must it be limited by the holidays? What's my new year's resolution? Do random acts of kindness all year (ok so not so random to me, but to other's hopefully!) when I see the opportunity. Be it help pay for someone's groceries when they are a bit short, give someone a ride to where they need to go, bake cookies for people and drop them off, etc. Do you have some ideas? The best ideas should be shared for everyone to work at!

Thankfully I did experience some Christmas cheer this holiday, and I wanted to pass it on to you. So please, if you see the opportunity to spread some cheer, take it! Make the world a better place, one moment at a time.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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