HAPPY JUNE FIRST!And now that that is out of the way... I was going to talk about Harry Potter today, but instead it was suggested that I write about the topic of FOOD. And who doesn't like food? I know I do (although I have had a stomach bug and only able to eat graham crackers, dry cereal, triscuts, and other bland boring foods. When I try something more than those, my stomach rebels and gets angry at me. It's not your usual tummy ache, as it's been with me since last Tuesday).
Ok well that's enough about my stomach woes... sorry about the tangent!

I recently have been cooking more than normal, with 2/3rds of my stuff being my usual delicious baked goods. Yum! The first thing I made, with the help of Brett :), was 2 Derby Pies. If you have never had one, I suggest you ask me to make you one. Delicious. Yum. MMmmm Mm! I made them for Brett's group of friends who were having a cookout before our trip to Cedar Point. They were so good. I wanted to eat them the night of. And they turned out better than I thought, although next time I'll add more chocolate to them! Again, if you have never had one of these, it consists of sugar - white and brown, chocolate, pecans or walnuts, corn syrup, eggs, butter (mmm) and of course Burbon! All baked in a flakey pie crust. I believe my next pie creation will be Pecan Pie - my grandma's recepie! I'll let everyone know when I make it. Add a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and ahhhh perfection.

So the next thing I took on was making a Barbeque Chicken Pizza, also with Brett's assistance. We like to make stuff together! It's just more fun because you can make more than a single serving. In our case, we made two pizzas! Start off with some crust, add bbq sauce on the bottom (OH and we totally used Buckeye BBQ Sauce, it was meant to be), add your chicken, and other topings if you like, and finish with freshly shredded motzarella cheese! Very yummy as well. I think it was one of the simplest and fast meals I've made in a while, minus cook time -- which was only 7-10 minutes so not bad at all. I suggest making this in college if you want something fast and that will last you longer than an evening. Cut it into squares so it DOES last longer though :) It's also a good party food, as who doesn't like bbq chicken pizza?!
And finally, last night, in a craving for chocolate, I decided to make a German Chocolate cake with whipped white icing. MMM. I haven't taken a bite of this yet, I had to

wait for the icing to set on the cake before I sliced it. But I made two square layers, filled with the icing in the middle. I think tonight I will swing by the grocery store and grab some mint chocolate chip ice cream to add to the side of this dish. I'm excited to try it because I know it's good. German chocolate is one of my favorite flavors because it's lighter than the usual chocolate - so you can eat more!! Oh I want to eat it so badly, but I have dance tonight, so it will have to wait until after 9:15 pm.
If you have any recepies that you really like, or if you want any of my recepies, let me know! I've been wanting to make a really good grilling recepie - so I'll take those too!
Happy Cooking!
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